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Monday, September 4, 2023


Are tenants interested in having tenant meetings using Zoom? It could give tenants an opportunity to discuss issues concerning life at Kenmore Hall without being interrupted or interfered with by social workers or staff; you can join the meetings using your smartphone, tablet or laptop, if you have one (smartphones & tablets are available to low-income people using Assurance, for instance). I'd be happy to set this up and host it. We can do occasional meetings, OR I can just set up meetings that happen on a regular schedule, say once a week, or once a month, at a time when most people might be available to participate. I'm not a morning person, so I'd rather do this in the afternoon or evening. Let me know if you're interested; it's easiest to send out the link to a Zoom meeting by email, but I think I can also post it here on the blog. Feel free to contact me with your email address (and if you like, also let me know what types of things you'd like to discuss) - email me at, OR leave me a message at 347-850-2283.

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