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Thursday, August 3, 2023

THINGS YOUR CASEWORKER SHOULD BE HELPING YOU WITH (but probably isn't because they're too busy trying to pry into your medical records and other personal business) - PART 1 Fair Fares: Most of the tenants in the building are probably eligible for a half price Metrocard through the Fair Fares program. It's easy to find out, too, if you go online: You can do this yourself in the computer lab (or at the library). For those tenants who are uncomfortable with computers, though, the caseworkers SHOULD be providing assistance. The card needs to be renewed on a yearly basis, but this is also fairly easy. While we're on the topic of computer use, anyone that wants to get more comfortable with the basics ought to be able to get up to speed at the Learning Center (computer lab). I don't know what the current person working in the lab offers, but it's worth a conversation. Sometimes the local libraries have free classes, too, so that's worth looking into. Keep in mind that every yime you talk to a case manager/social worker, they're billing your Medicaid for the "service", even though none of them is actually a health care provider. It's part of why I don't talk to them often, and refuse to give them my insurance information - I have plenty of real health issues to spend my Medicaid allotment on already, and don't need a rude surprise along the lines of "you've filled your quota for the year"...

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