Ambulances pull up to the building on a daily basis; sometimes the tenants returns, other times, not so much.
Do you feel that the crisis-level illness and death rate in the building is higher than in other buildings? Log in with a comment
This blog has absolutely no connection with management (H.S.I. or Kenmore Associates, LP); it is strictly by and for the tenants of the building, and is meant to help promote information and resources that are useful to tenants. DISCLAIMER! PLEASE NOTE: We are not lawyers. None of the information posted here is intended as legal advice. If you need legal advice, please consult a lawyer.
Ambulances pull up to the building on a daily basis; sometimes the tenants returns, other times, not so much.
Do you feel that the crisis-level illness and death rate in the building is higher than in other buildings? Log in with a comment
Gothamist (an online publication associated with radio station WNYC) wants to hear from tenants facing possible eviction in New York City, in connection with a series they're doing on tenants and evictions. They are usually very pro-tenant, and while they may not be able to help you legally, it might be interesting to get the word out about H.S.I.'s eviction tactics. After all, H.S.I. is supposed to be helping SOLVE the homelessness problem, not make it worse.
Here's a link to their questionnaire:
This is what Gothamist says about the project:
Help us cover evictions
Have you been evicted? Are you facing eviction? Are people in your building receiving eviction notices? Or are you a property owner who is trying to evict someone? We want to hear about your experiences with evictions to help guide our news coverage and unearth issues that may be happening. We're gathering these stories to help inform our reporting and will contact you if we wish to publish any part of your account. We won't publish any identifying information without your permission. We take your privacy seriously and appreciate you sharing your story.