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Monday, March 23, 2020

rebuilding after pandemic

I'm forwarding this; I got it from a member of the community garden I belong to.
In case anyone is interested in joining this webinar. 

Feel free to forward to those you think might be interested. 

Be well, everyone. 



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ilan, Lee <>
Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 5:20 PM
Subject: FW: Webcast Tomorrow on Community Protection & Rebuilding - 3/24 at 2pm
To: NYC Brownfields <>

As Congress and the White House are considering an over- $1 trillion "Phase 3 Economic Stimulus" package, consider what your communities will need to recover from this coronavirus crisis.

You are welcome to join this free webinar tomorrow for an update on the federal response and local advocacy efforts.  Registration link is below.


Best regards to all,



Ms. Lee Ilan

Chief of Planning
Mayor's Office of Environmental Remediation
City of New York
100 Gold Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10038
Tel. 212-788-2929; Fax 212-312-0984
pronouns: she/her
Twitter:  @NYCOER
Instagram: @NYC_OER


From: Jean Hamerman []
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 2:22 PM
To: Jean Hamerman Cclr <>
Subject: Webcast on "Protecting & Rebuilding Communities in the Wake of COVID-19"- 3/24 at 2pm ET


Webcast March 24: Protect & Rebuild Communities

A Discussion on Resources for Localities During the Coronavirus Crisis



full size image

As the coronavirus crisis worsens, Congress and the White House are moving rapidly to create a third package of resources that is likely to top $1 Trillion, dubbed the "Phase 3 Economic Stimulus".  While proposals for the Phase 3 Stimulus have very important elements, localities must speak out now to ensure that the Stimulus contains direct resources to local governments and public agencies on the front lines of this crisis, who will be essential to both the response and the process of rebuilding as we emerge from the pandemic, hopefully sooner rather than later this year. 

A number of groups are now organizing local government leaders to raise these needs for community resources in the Phase 3 Stimulus legislation.  We are aggregating the best proposals for local resources, coordinating with local government advocacy organizations, and urging local leaders to contact your Members of Congress about these needs.  Please join us on Tuesday, March 24 at 2PM EST for a national webcast on "Protecting & Rebuilding Communities in the Wake of COVID-19", where we will:

·  Update localities on the status of the federal rescue and stimulus packages being put together in Washington DC;

·  Provide an overview of the advocacy efforts of the National League of Cities, the First & Main Coalition and other groups to ensure localities are fully in the mix in the national recovery and stimulus packages;

·  Take your input on what ought to be included in the federal stimulus legislation; and

·  Urge local leaders to contact their Members of Congress with these calls for community assistance.

To join, register at   

Sustainable Strategies DC provides a detailed memo here that describes what is going on in Washington DC right now with the federal response, including plans for the $1 Trillion Phase 3 Stimulus legislative package; outlines the kinds of resources that the Stimulus must include to support local governments and public agencies; and urges local leaders to voice these issues to your Members of Congress.  We also provide a packet of resources here for local governments on these issues from the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and the National Association of Counties, and a helpful guide for localities from the Centers for Disease Control here.

Thank you for your efforts to keep our communities safe and strong, and we look forward to convening with you by webcast on March 24!


Stay safe and in touch with CCLR.



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Jessica Katz
Brooklyn, NY

"You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better." - Anne Lamott

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