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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Work allegedly started on the building's elevators last summer, and so far (it's March) only one has apparently been finished - but it's not accessible to tenants because staff is using it, mainly for maintenance purposes. Work is being done on a second elevator now - but who knows how long THAT will take (could it be that 6 months is average?) which leaves us with just two elevators for all the tenants to use, and the back area of the lobby still blocked off because that's where the elevator workmen have their stuff stashed, some of it inside of a makeshift wooden shed.

One tenant was stuck in the elevator for over 20 minutes a few days ago. He uses a wheelchair. The fire department had to be called to get him out, and they pried the door open with some huge pry-bars. Over the past few weeks, we've had several incidents where only one elevator was working all day, and people were significantly delayed getting in and out of the building because of it - and fights were breaking out on some floors as tenants lost their patience. We all know how well the elevators in the building (don't) work during the summer - they get stuck more frequently as the weather warms up. 

Couldn't the elevator work have been made a priority over the construction work we all had to endure? Seems like the ability to get in and out of the building easily is a MUCH bigger deal.

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