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Friday, January 17, 2014

Next time your case manager tries to bluff you into thinking you signed a consent to have them do a monthly home visit, ask to see that consent form. Then ask them if they're familiar with the old house rules form, which is the only other form most of use signed aside from our leases. Go read your lease CAREFULLY, by the way - it's a standard rent stabilized lease and says absolutely NOTHING about home visits or any other social services they're trying to coerce tenants into agreeing to. This is a verbatim transcript of the text of the house rules as of April, 2008. The formatting is slightly different. Kenmore Hall House Rules and Regulations Revised 8/26/02 VISITORS 1. Visitors will be allowed to enter the building before 11:00 p.m. and after 8:00 a.m. 2. Management reserves the right to deny access to any visitor at any time and to photograph any visitor at the time of sign-in. 3. Failure to comply with the following rules may lead to visitors being escorted from and/or barred from the building at the discretion of management. 4. All visitors are required: a. To leave a valid picture identification at the front desk prior to entering Kenmore Hall b. To sign in and out of the guest logbook located at the front desk. c. To carry a guest pass for the designated floor on which their host lives. d. To remain with their host tenant at all times. e. To adhere to the rules and regulations of Kenmore Hall. 5. Acceptable photo IDs include valid driver’s license, NYS non-driver’s ID, employment ID, passport, current welfare card, and/or any other valid photo ID issued by a government agency. 6. Children under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult at all times, and must leave the building by 11 p.m. FACILITY REGULATIONS 7. Consumption of alcohol or illegal substances, and smoking are prohibited in common areas. 8. No pets are allowed. 9. Loud noise between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. will be investigated and may be grounds for termination of the lease. Excessive noise, which disturbs others, will not be tolerated at any time. 10. No soliciting, congregating, or trespassing is allowed in or around the building perimeter. 11. Foul language, fighting, or other disruptive behavior will result in a security intervention. 12. Keys are the sole responsibility of the tenant. The fee to replace the key is ten dollars. Management reserves the right to retain a copy of the key to your apartment for emergencies, inspections, exterminating and room repairs. 13. Tenants must cooperate with building personnel who conduct regular apartment inspections and smoke alarm tests to ensure compliance with federal quality housing standards. 14. All trash must be placed in plastic bags. Only household trash may be thrown down the chute located near the elevator on each floor. Rinsed recyclable items must be placed in the blue bins next to the chute. 15. Portions of the building are permanently off limits to tenants. They are clearly indicated by posted signs and include the roof, basement, fire tower stairs, or emergency exits located at the end of each stairwell. Management may temporarily restrict other areas. 16. Stairs, which are marked as Stairwell A and Stairwell B are not to be used to enter or leave the building except in the event of an emergency. 17. Tenants planning to move must notify the management in writing a minimum of thirty days in advance. 18. Rent payments are due the first of the month. INFORMATION: 19. The Community Lounge, Library and Exercise Room, located on the second floor, are open daily from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Please help keep them clean. 20. Designated hours for moving large objects in or out of the building are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please notify management two days in advance of the move. 21. When repairs are needed in your apartment, please fill out a Work Order Form at the Front Desk. Indicate on the form a time during normal business hours when you will be available to grant access or leave a Room Access Form. Normal maintenance requests will be handled on a priority basis. Emergency repairs will be handled immediately. 22. Laundry facilities are located on every other floor. They are open daily between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. Their usage is for tenants only. Tenants must provide their own laundry detergent. Kenmore Associates are not responsible for the operation or maintenance of laundry machines or for change lost in the machines. If machines malfunction, report the problem immediately to the Front Desk staff. They will contact the vendor and schedule service. 23. Kenmore Associates is not liable for tenant’s personal property. Tenants are encouraged to purchase renter’s insurance to protect their belongings. 24. The Rent Payment Office on the second floor accepts rent from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon-Fri. No cash is accepted. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Kenmore Assoc., L.P. 25. In case of fire, call 911 immediately, then notify management. Do not use the elevators. Please take the time to review the evacuation plan attached to your lease packet, and familiarize yourself with the locations of the emergency exits nearest your apartment. 26. Each floor is supplied with fire extinguishers for emergency use only. Signature: __________________________________________________________________Date: _________

1 comment:

  1. Great Article. Thanks for the info, super helpful. Does anyone know where I can find a blank rent stabilized form to fill out?


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