This blog has absolutely no connection with management (H.S.I. or Kenmore Associates, LP); it is strictly by and for the tenants of the building, and is meant to help promote information and resources that are useful to tenants. DISCLAIMER! PLEASE NOTE: We are not lawyers. None of the information posted here is intended as legal advice. If you need legal advice, please consult a lawyer.
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Saturday, April 18, 2015
Want to set up a discussion group about the changes that have occurred in the building over the past year or two?
The goal is to find SOLUTIONS to problems, not just re-hash the same old, same old. Venting and complaining is just a small part of the process - it's a start, but it doesn't really get the job done as far as finding solutions that work.
Use the comment section below to respond and "vote" for doing this.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Fwd: Real Rent Reform April Meeting
From: Real Rent Reform <>
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 2:37 PM
Subject: Real Rent Reform April Meeting
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Thursday, April 16, 2015
Hmmm, what's missing from the lobby? Oh yeah - the furniture! Front desk staff have a new duty to perform every evening: stashing the furniture behind a locked door in the computer lab.
This is the ultra-creative way H.S.I. has figured out how to deal with one problem tenant who camped out in a chair facing the mail room most nights for several years, getting massively drunk, going on racist and violent rants against other tenants who had to pass by to enter and leave the building, cursing out the front desk staff, complaining about how he felt "trapped like a rat in a hole" in his room, and then passing out in the chair for the rest of the night.
Now we don't have to deal with Butch Taylor's raving drunkenness every night. BUT - here's the thing: for years, the lobby was usually a relatively quiet place, and other tenants were able to sit there at any time of day or night without a problem (regardless of what staff may tell you, there was never a curfew on the lobby until 2014). A few tenants would read there late at night it they were having trouble sleeping; others might come downstairs late nights if they weren't feeling well because it was easier to meet an ambulance there if they felt they needed one. Other tenants could sit and socialize with each other, talking or playing Scrabble. Having free access to the lobby made the building feel a little friendlier, and there was an alternative to being stuck in the tiny rooms upstairs, especially during bad weather (there just aren't a lot of other places to go late at night in the neighborhood unless you want to hang out in a bar, or at McDonald's, or one of the two expensive diners in the immediate neighborhood - and those are only solutions if you have money to spend). Now, if tenants are expecting guests in the evening, the guests have to stand until the tenant comes downstairs to get them.
If you want a sample of what Butch sounded like on an average rant, there's an audio clip in the sidebar to the right titled "Butch Flips Out". Scroll down until you hit the picture of a troll doll, and then click on the arrow in the picture. It's just a short sound-bite, but fairly typical of how he sounded when he was getting warmed up - it usually got MUCH worse, fairly quickly, and the verbal abuse was usually accompanied by flailing arms and lots of spit.
Does it make sense to punish EVERYONE just because one person is making things unbearable? Not in a normal universe - but here on Planet Kenmore, it's just another example of management's creative problem solving.
Building Construction: Permits? What's That?

I think we've all seen the memos about upcoming construction. What's REALLY interesting about this, though, is that there are no new permits posted in the building that refer to current work being done, and if you check the website for the Department of Buildings for our building, there aren't any new permits listed there either. Lots of OLD permits (that are now expired) are listed, though...
And there are plenty of violations posted there too. Hey, H.S.I., why can't you get your sh*t together? Does everything you do have to be substandard? If you're genuinely interested in providing supportive housing, could you at least start with respecting the health and quality of life of your tenants?
Some basic questions about THIS batch of construction (anyone that was living in the building in 2009 should remember how horrible the last batch of construction was):
- How noisy will the construction be? The last batch was HORRIBLE - loud, going on all day long, unbearable
- Will the workmen be using more than one elevator all day long, making the waits for elevators even more impossible than they already are? (If you want to report elevator problems, by the way, the Department of Buildings is that place to go)
- Will there be clouds of dust and grit falling from a great height and getting into everyone's rooms, making it difficult to breathe (hello, some of us have chronic lung problems - I had pneumonia for several months the first summer I lived here, and coincidentally, my room was filled with dust and grit from the construction work - it also clogged up a brand new air conditioner so it wouldn't work right) The workmen are supposed to tent the areas they're working on to contain the crap flying off the building
- Tenants' windows were broken last time around because the workment were careless. Do we need to have this happen again?
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Kenmore Tenants In The News
I noticed an article in the Sunday, March 29 2015 New York Post by Kathianne Boniello. Kenmore Hall tenants make it into the local news!
'Satanic MTA Out To Kill!'
Train Kook's Claim
By Kathianne Boniello
It's the D train as in devil.
A train operator of 14 years has filed a lawsuit against the MTA alleging it engaged in "satanic terroristic criminality" by sending bosses to "terrorize" and "assault" him.
Brian Burke, 53, who was demoted last year to station agent trainee, claims in the suit that the MTA intended to "endanger every soul on the train and on the track" in April 2014 when its inspectors entered his train to see whether he was wearing corrective lenses.
The Manhattan man, who filed the suit in Brooklyn federal court last week without a lawyer, has railed against his bosses before.
He has filed suits and claims against the MTA and Census Bureau, arguing they discriminated against him because he is white, Irish Catholic, and "photophobic", or sensitive to light.
In the latest suit, he says the MTA is trying to kill him, in part, because he griped when ordered not to wear baseball caps and to clean moldy food from a break-room refrigerator.
"I believe I may be in mortal danger," Burke writes, likening himself to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who claimed to be an FBI informant against the mob.
"Rev. Sharpton was accused of 'ratting out the mob' and I maybe (sic) justly accused of 'ratting out the MTA.' I believe the MTA may be more dangerous. There is (sic) 600 volts, high structure, 600-ton trains and an infinite way to be murdered or 'suicided'.
Transit sources say his previous wacky claims have been shot down by courts or the Public Employee Relations Board. The board rejected his claim that he was assaulted by a boss in 2007.
Burke had refused to remove his tinted glasses at a 2014 PERB hearing, prompting supervisors to check on him last April, a source said.
He was making $70,000 a year as an operator, but when he failed in his bid to get worker's comp for the April "assault", the MTA gave him a choice - quit or get off the gravy train, a source said.
Burke is now training to be a station agent, a job with an annual salary of $54,000.
He has called the MTA "The Invisible Empire" and compared it to the KKK.
He tried suing the Census after it laid him off in 2000, but a court tossed the case.
Burke's latest suit seeks back pay and unspecified damages.
Friday, March 20, 2015
transit fare increases
Friday, March 20, 2015
This weekend, transit fares will go up a quarter to $2.75.
They claim that the fare hike is necessary in order to maintain the financial health of the MTA. (And what does that do for MY financial health?)
And they wonder why people try to beat fares... (not that I'm advocating fare beating... just sayin')
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
HRA rent problems
. You can put your name/index number in and get basic information about what's going on - court dates, material on file, etc. I think there's even a way to e-track your case, getting reminders and updates by email. Take a little time to explore the site because there are additional resources about the court system there that's available for free to anyone.
And finally, HRA's Homelessness Diversion Unit (at Waverly, they're on the 3rd floor) is the unit that clears up this kind of mess, especially if you don't have a sanction.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Fw: Register Now for the 2015 Homeless Policy Forum!
Monday, March 9, 2015
Retrospective Commentary
It's been a major relief to have him out of the building.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Daylight Savings Time again
Friday, February 27, 2015
From: Asch, Esther Ann <>
Date: Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:34 PM
Subject: FEGS
To: "" <>
FEGS is in the process of transferring all of its programs so we cannot help you
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Friday, February 6, 2015
a bar code for the building...
Monday, February 2, 2015
I'm sure a lot of tenants will be thrilled to know that FEGS has gone bankrupt and is set to close down in the near future. I've heard so many horror stories about the place from so many people; the organization was completely incompetent and caused a huge amount of grief for most of the people assigned there. This should be a comment on city and state incompetence, though, because FEGS got a lot of its funding from government sources and STILL ended up millions of dollars in debt. Why isn't this kind of thing being audited and reviewed?
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Federation Employment & Guidance Service (FEGS) seriously considering bankruptcy
Federation Employment & Guidance Service seriously considering bankruptcy
EXCLUSIVE: The bankruptcy plan comes weeks after the 80-year old charity laid off dozens of employees in its struggle to stay solvent. It remains unclear what will happen to the city agencies that rely on FEGS to help disabled clients land jobs and attend training programs.
BY REUVEN BLAU NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 6:37 PM
A major city nonprofit is seriously considering filing for bankruptcy, weeks after discovering that it is close to $20 million in debt, sources said.
The Federation for Employment and Guidance Services (FEGS) told some of its workers Tuesday that it would likely be left with no alternative to that extreme measure.
It remains unclear what will happen to the city agencies that rely on FEGS to help disabled clients land jobs and attend training programs.
“Some may be gone and some may be transferred,” a source familiar with the charity said.
The bankruptcy plan comes weeks after the 80-year old charity laid off dozens of employees in its struggle to stay solvent.
FEGS spokeswoman Julie Farber said the agency was still reviewing its options.
“We have narrowed the potential pathways we may undertake, and a final decision has not yet been made,” she said.
FEGS assists up to 12,000 disabled people each day and has a yearly budget of about $250 million, funded largely by city and state grants.
The head of the organization has changed three times in the past few months.
I’m just wondering how you just “discover” that you’re $20 million in debt... what kept them from noticing after the first million? City and state government is willing to blow millions on a crap organization like FEGS, but make it really difficult for people on public assistance - especially the disabled - to exist decently. Wouldn’t it be nice to see more of the money spent on screwed up non-profits that waste money and then go bankrupt be spent directly and more effectively on helping the poor and disabled? Is there any accountability?
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Turning over your ID to get access ...
I found this article by accident today, and want to know what Kenmore Hall tenants think of the answer to this question - people have been complaining about this issue here for years. Please feel free to comment
Ask A NYC Housing Lawyer: Do I Really Have To Hand Over ID To Enter A Building?

Steve Dobkin and son contemplate tenants' rights on a Park Slope stoop. (Courtesy Private Jake Dobkin Collection)
In 2005, Peter Cooper Village installed a massive electronic key card and video surveillance system which required tenants, family members and anyone who entered the buildings on a regular basis to use an encrypted key card with their picture on it. The Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association challenged the system in Court and at the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (“DHCR”) on a multitude of grounds, from violating leases and the Rent Stabilization Law to totalitarian enslavement, but in the end the Landlord’s repeated mantra of “Security,” backed by recommendations from a former FBI agent, two independent consultants, and the NYPD Crime Prevention Unit, outweighed all resistance.
Cynics and tenant activists suspected that the real motivation for the installation of the computerized key system was to measure the comings and goings of tenants for use as evidence against them in non-primary residence proceedings, a key feature of the campaign to eliminate long-term lower-rent-paying tenants.
The 2006 opinion by the DHCR Commissioner, which was upheld by the State Supreme Court, noted that since “security personnel may review the photos of card key holders as they enter their buildings, via the integrated CCTV system, it is only logical to allow security personnel to be able to ask for a photo ID of non-key card holders.”
Frankly, it’s hard to envision a realistic scenario in which you, as a delivery guy, will be in a position to challenge building management’s holding onto your ID while you’re in the building. Be thankful you haven’t (yet) been subjected to extraordinary rendition to a black site.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Fwd: Help Picture the Homeless Come Home
From: Brodie Enoch & William S Burnett, PTH Board Co-Chairs <>
Date: Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 2:19 PM
Subject: Help Picture the Homeless Come Home