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Thursday, August 10, 2017

This afternoon, another tenant and I were chatting in the community room. We saw a construction worker sweep dust from the courtyard where they are working on the building's brickwork into the community room. Totally outrageous. The building is already contaminated enough without THAT. We told him to clean it up, and he did. But how much of this going on around the building?
Here's the picture I took right after the dirt was swept into the room. I know, it doesn't look like much of anything - except that there's more of this all over the building; I have COPD, and shouldn't have to breathe this or be exposed to it. Neither should othinkther tenants with other respiratory issues. Do you think HSI cares? LOL...

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lots of information here!

Check out the archives going back to 2013. There's a panel in the right-hand column where you can find the archives. Click on a year to see the posts arranged by month.

Cubicle rooms...

There's something worse than living in a Kenmore room... (click on this)

But only in the Third World.
